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Seaweed Source Impact
Seaweed Source is a free app that streamlines connections between active seaweed businesses to align kelp supply and demand. Qualified companies can create comprehensive profiles, enabling them to discover new partners, initiate forward contracts, and get real-time updates on supply or purchasing offers. Users can search for partners based on seaweed species, format, or location, and gain visibility into regional and national seaweed networks.
Seaweed hatcheries, farms, processors, buyers, and other businesses actively producing and/or buying farmed seaweed in the U.S. or Canada. At this time, we’re accepting companies who meet the following criteria:
‣ Located in the United States or Canada
‣ Currently selling, processing, or purchasing ocean-farmed seaweed or seed commercially
‣ Processors and buyers: open to forward contracts, looking to purchase or process 1,000+ wet lbs within 1-2 years
‣ Hatcheries and farmers: active permits, producing with intent to sell commercially within 1 year
Applications are just a few short steps! If you’re unsure about whether you meet our criteria, feel free to apply.
Apply here! Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. You should expect to hear back within a week. In some cases, we’ll set up an interview to learn more about your business and discuss how GreenWave might be able to support you.
Yes! You don’t have to pay anything for Seaweed Source – it is completely free to use.
All others users on Seaweed Source can see your business profile. This includes other qualified hatcheries, farmers, processors, and buyers. Seaweed Source profiles are not publicly searchable.

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