Cooking with Sea Greens

So many chefs are doing incredible things to make sea vegetables the center of the plate. Below are a few of our favorite recipes from our friends Chef Brooks Headley and Chef Dave Santos. While these recipes will give you a head start, we want you to get creative and invent new dishes.

Check out this video on Cooking Kelp with an Ocean Farmer!

Chef Brooks Headley

Brooks is a pioneer of the vegetarian meal that was as gut-bustingly delicious as any meaty delight. He brilliantly uses kelp as a vegetable rather than a garnish in his barbecue kelp and carrots—a hit at his New York City restaurant and a dish that sells out nightly.

Chef Dave Santos

Dave has worked at top New Jersey and New York City restaurants—including Per Se—and hosts a private supper club. He puts a kelp twist on familiar dishes by seamlessly incorporating kelp as a mainstay in simple and accessible recipes.